It is now easy to comprehend why Egyptian lotus flower mehndi designs have caught the imagination of lovers of body art all over the world. The above myth of the lotus flower plays a massive role in creating the artistic work of Henna which subsequently emerges with the beautiful designs applied on hands and bodies. For Mehndi design starters who are willing to understand and practice this classic masterpiece, simple Mehndi designs are easy to start with, and when you master the skill, this will be your best bet to unleash your creativity.
This guide will reveal twenty simple Egyptian lotus flower mehndi designs for newcomers. Starting from simple backhand mehndi designs, including the beautiful backhand mehndi designs, to the complicated front-hand lotus mehndi designs, this post will discuss various easy yet elegant mehndi patterns. These lotus mehndi designs are made especially for beginners so that they do not lose their hearts and can proceed towards more enhanced artwork. These hand-chosen tutorials aim to help you learn how to apply these designs on your hands and feet, no matter what design you prefer.
20 Easy Egyptian Lotus Flower Mehndi Patterns for the Newbie

Egyptian lotus flower mehndi designs are an excellent idea for beginners and will help them learn about henna body designs. Despite being quite versatile and rather simple, these patterns still reflect the essence of Egyptian hierarchy symbolism. It is now time to look at some easy designs that are easy for a beginner to do once they get some practice.
5 Easy Egyptian Lotus Flower Mehndi Designs
Circular Lotus

These designs thus include a lotus, which is enclosed within a circular array most suitable for the back of the hand. To do this start with the formation of a small circle at the palm of your hand. Draw petals around it and start drawing small circles around them and making them bigger. Just add some leaves and swirls to have it look perfect. This pattern is most suitable for beginners in the world of Mehndi designs.
Simple Lotus with Leaves

For this design, sketch an elementary lotus flower where the petals are depicted as open. Place them to surround it with simple leaf shapes and dots. This pattern is appropriate on the front of the hand or wrist area. It’s good for practising petal shapes, and it helps me remember how to distribute the design.
Lotus Border

Design a border that will include small lotus flowers laid in circles with curved lines joining them. It can be done on the side of the hand or any other part or as an anklet design in this pattern. It’s very good for reviewing consistency in your lotus shapes.
Minimalist Lotus

For a less conspicuous pattern, there is always a lotus, more so if its design is simple. Sketch out a lotus flower quickly using no more than five lines. Now, to do even more work on the picture if you’d like, add more dots or little curvilinear forms. This design can be applied as it is worn daily, and the design itself can easily be applied within a few minutes.
Lotus and Crescent

It is time to add another Egyptian icon to the lotus—the crescent moon. Sketch a curved line and put a lotus flower inside it. Just draw some stars or dots around it for that space feeling it gives. This is a contemporary design that incorporates conventional patterns into a simple-to-produce style.

The ones shown below are some of the Egyptian lotus flower mehndi designs that are easy on beginners and will also make them easily practice henna art without pressuring them. It includes features of the traditional Egyptian henna style, but the shapes themselves are very basic as it is easy to accomplish them. It’s also important to note these various designs will help you build your capacity in the future by enabling you to come up with other complex patterns.

Just like with anything and anyone, practice makes perfect, so here are a few mehndi designs that you could try. It’s safe to begin with these simple dress designs, and then as you get the hang of it, you can go further. If you want, by no means should you fail to incorporate changes and integrate things that would easily constitute the personality of each design. As days pass by, someday you will be drawing beautiful Egyptian lotus flower mehndi designs that are true to this art.
5 Simple & Elegant Back Hand Lotus Mehndi Designs

Backhand lotus mehndi designs are one of the favourite mehndi designs that people prefer to design their hands with simple attractive mehndi designs. These designs are simple to draw and perform for the novice, yet they retain the flattering lotus flower mehndi in the bona fide Egyptian tradition. Now let’s look at five simple backhand lotus mehndi designs that anyone should be able to do after a bit of practice.
Single Lotus Bloom

This design has a slim stem on which a big and striking lotus flower is depicted. To produce this, first, sketch a big lotus flower on the middle of the back of the palm. Encircle it with simple leaves and swirls to add beauty to the picture above. This simple pattern is suitable when mastering the lotus position since it’s easier to avoid mistakes with the design as you plan the placement.
Lotus Border Pattern

If you want a more detailed version then you could try the lotus border pattern. Start by drawing the line of your hand using several minuscule lotus flowers joined by curves. This design is quite expansible, and it can be further expanded to cover more or less of the hand according to the individual taste. It is very useful when you want to get more consistent with your lotus shapes and to have a pattern that looks like it was made out of one piece.
Lotus and Vine Combination

Add an overlay of the lotus motif design on vines to get a natural-looking design. Take the lotus flower at the centre of it and draw stems with leaves rising from the root of the lotus. This pattern gives creativity because you can add more small lotus buds along the vines. Floral motifs with curved lines make an aesthetically and visually appealing design with great ergonomics.
Minimalist Lotus Design

For those who want something simple, a lotus design rendered as small as possible will do. In a pencil drawing, outline a lotus flower as simply as possible, using no more than four lines. It is possible to add some dots or small swirls right around it to make the picture even more detailed. This design is for use on regular occasions since once applied, it does not take long to design another one; this accessory is suitable for regular practice by beginners.
Lotus Mandala

Add an attractive object of worship having a lotus mandala art. After this, start with a small lotus in the palm of your hand and create circles with petals all around it. Place detailed and interlinking patterns on the petals to make the overall mandala large and slightly more detailed. Though this design might look complicated, it is not difficult to achieve when one breaks it down into easier stages, which forms what amateurs are willing to undertake a challenge.

true such an easy set of Egyptian lotus flower mehndi, even a beginner can feel like having lotus mehndi on their hands. Its traditional elements are blended, but they retain the patterns, which are quite easy to follow. While producing these designs, you will be improving your ability to make more complex patterns later.

So the next time you go for a mehndi design, please remember, the one secret that is important as the design itself is practice. Begin with these sorts of designs and begin placing your trust in them when your ability to carry them off is still developing. It’s okay to be creative and put your stamp into it and make every design unique from the next. Once you practice and follow the guidelines to the letter, you should be churning out beautiful models of backhand lotus mehndi designs that are so representative of this unique style.
5 Simple Front Hand Lotus Mehndi Patterns

Front-hand lotus mehndi patterns are also an excellent idea of the beauty of the Egyptian lotus flower mehndi patterns. If you have never tried henna designs, these simple, elegant patterns would make perfect mehndi designs for your hands. Let’s discuss five easy-to-perform front-hand lotus mehndi designs that one can try at home if they have the appropriate steadiness.
Wrist Lotus Bracelet

This design has an elegant lotus bracelet on the wrist with thin strings. To make this start, sketch a sequence of the small lotus flowers all linked up by using curves. This, as can be observed from the figure above, can *easily be modified to accommodate either more or less of the wrist area. It is a good way to exercise steadiness in your lotus shapes and thereby give it a set pattern that makes it look like jewellery.
Finger Lotus Chain

For a more complex pattern, a finger lotus chain is created. Start by sketching small blooms of lotus at the tip of each finger, and the stems are the vines. This design can be selective if you wish to. In carving the lotus buds you can make them of different sizes and some of them could be small leaves on the vine. The outlook of the watch using curved lines and floral motives looks harmonious and elegant and truly complements the fingers.
Palm Lotus Centerpiece

Bring a pop of fascination with the help of a palm lotus centrepiece. Since we are working with lotus, begin at the base with a large, fully opened lotus flower in your palm, followed by more compact, smaller lotus flowers and leaves. Mehndi lovers, this design is just perfect for people who wish to go vocal with their Mehndi designs. It is also a very good chance to draw lotus flowers of different sizes and with equal proportions in a large picture.
Lotus Bud Accents

Chubbier leaves—the lotus bud accents may be used as part of an understated and clean look. Five-petaled lotus buds in different sizes are drawn all around the palm, with dots and simple semicircles between the buds. This design is simple and perfect for daily use since it does not take a long time to complete. This design makes it preferable to be used among beginners who wish to practice often.
Flowing Lotus Vines

This one enriches with delicate vines and lovely lotus flowers that start at the slimmer part of the wrist and end at the tips of a hand. Select a large lotus to begin with and use curved stems to form a vine that sweeps over the back of the hand up to the fingers with lotus buds and certainly some more lotus leaves on the vine. Such a pattern enables the user to place flowers at any one of the cells or wherever the vines pass through, making it possible to achieve a different design every time.

The below simple front-hand lotus mehndi designs allow novices to wade through the beauty of the Egyptian lotus flower mehndi designs. They use more traditional motifs, but at the same time, all the designs are within anyone’s reach. While working with these patterns, you will familiarize yourself with the necessary techniques to develop other, more complex patterns in the future.

Well, as with anything else, the main and probably the only thing to remember when doing Mehndi designs is that practice makes perfect. If you have never ventured into it before, then it is advised that you begin with these single designs, and as you gain, your self-confidence increases. Take time and feel free to express your creativity by putting down little extras to make each design the one and only. As with any art form, with time and practice and experiencing the designs, you’ll be churning out beautiful front-hand lotus mehndi patterns.
5 Easy Lotus Mehndi Designs for Newcomers

To anyone who is just beginning their education on the design of lotus flower mehndi in Egyptian style, these five nuances are just perfect for that. In each pattern, the operation of the lotus is demonstrated while keeping the pattern simple enough for a novice’s interest and to develop their skill.
Minimalist Lotus Outline

In this design, there is only one lotus flower drawn out but drawn out in such a simple way that it looks elegant. To create it, the first step is to make a small circle in the middle of the palm. Draw petals around it, and then their size increases. For more flow, more basic leaves have simple curves or some curves at the end of the design. This uncomplicated pattern will assist new learners to directly concentrate on mastering the lotus shape, although the whole layout is slightly complex.
Lotus Blossom Cluster

Another beautiful design is the lotus blossom cluster designed for a complicated view. The first step in how to draw a lotus is starting with the big circle enclosing the main flower and drawing circles around the periphery of this flower and enclosing it to make the buds of the second lotus flower. This design is flexible because you can use different sizes of flowers and place the flowers anyhow you want. It does help a lot in terms of maintaining the conceding pattern of the lotus shapes that you draw.
Lotus and Paisley Fusion

Paisley and lotus are two good shapes; add the lotus motif to the conventional paisley shape. Big, round, circle and from the area at the base of the circle draw a series of bright, paisley-like petals that touch each other. This pattern helps one to be as creative as one wants since the paisley shapes are large enough to accommodate smaller lotus buds. Curves integrated with flares give a definite and beautiful look to the design at the same time.
Geometric Lotus Pattern

If you desire to make your doodles look neater, why not embroider lotus flowers in a geometric style? Start with a basic (plus sign) on the back of the hand, preferably on the area between the wrist and the first three fingers of the same hand. It may be important to put tiny lotus flowers at sharp angles or within the figures. This design is ideal for practising the precision or symmetry in your mehndi designs if you intend to do so.
Lotus ankle design

Draw an amazing anklet pattern walking through a series of small lotus flowers in their lines curved. This is a work in progress; however, the pattern is the same and can be worn around the ankle or modified for a wrist. It’s a good approach to reinforcing your lotus shape, as it is also quite light and beautiful, looking like jewellery.

These easy mehndi designs give a variety of opportunities for beginners to practice the beauty of the Egyptian lotus flower mehndi. They contain features from the conventional styles and, at the same time, make the patterns reasonable for novices. By practising these designs, you help yourself to master the necessary skills to design complex patterns in the future.

Just like any other art technique, you need to practice more if you want to get good at applying Mehndi. Begin with these basic designs, and as you go along, you get to feel your self-esteem growing. Suggested changes and when you apply your creativity to make the body of each of the designs different. It takes time and with trying the person will be able to make nice patterns on the lotus mehndi design of this masterpiece.
Egyptian lotus flower mehndi designs are a great starting point for potentially integrating henna designs into one’s lifestyle. The basics that have been used here are fundamental patterns to start with as skills and confidence are developed. From backhand mehndi designs to front-hand lotus mehndi patterns, these easy designs are most appropriate with the essence of this art form for a beginner. That is why in the realisation of the mentioned designs, you will be developing your creative side of the character as it is symbolised by the lotus.
So, dear friends, do not worry about Mehndi practising an art that takes time and coordination. As with most of these designs, do not hesitate to interfere with what and where you are working and make it look different from everybody else. After getting accustomed to the said aspect, you will be in a position to deal with more complicated patterns. For more of the mehndi designs and other useful tips for your mehndi treatment, read on from My Dear Design. Over time, you will start attaining your glamorous Egyptian lotus flower mehndi designs, which are solely imaged by the mind.